Wednesday, 8 October 2014

CLUES ( The Crossword Puzzle analogy)

Imagine playing a crossword puzzle game without clues. Well that's how anyone who goes about life with the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ does. There is no way in a crossword puzzle game, one will be able to guess a correct word without first referring to the clues provide. In-fact to every line of squares, be it horizontal or vertical there is a specific clue to help the player find the exact word the creator of the game was looking for.  The fact that it has 4squares, doesn't mean it spells either food or hate, it could be beef or spit. But with the right clue one can actually guess the right word.

The Bible puts it this way in 2Peter 1:3 "According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue."
Just like a game of crossword puzzle, God has given us a book clues to fill the empty boxes in this crossword game of  life He has created , it's called the Bible.Yes you might have a word that might be the same length as number boxes provided but the question, is that the same word the Creator of the game had in mind. No matter how right you think the word you have is or fits, if it isn't what the Creator of the game had in mind then you are lost.

Imagine if everyone was to play the game according to the clues given, I personally believe a lot of disappointments, pain,heartbreaks,hurts will be and could be avoided. Some have taken jobs, gone on journeys, started business, relationships just because they felt it was right, but wasn't what God had planned. Let's begin to see life the way the Creator wants us to. Let's stop trying to find our own solutions to things by depending own feeble instinct. Allow God to open your eyes to the clues of life, Stick to His Book of Clues.

A Call To Action
You might have been for a long time, filling the crossword puzzle called Life with your own words that seem to fit but always seems to end up in mistakes or pain. You might want to start reading and understanding His book of clues (BIBLE). It's time to surrender it all to the Creator of the game of life by accepting His only son Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour. Only then will the eyes of your understanding be enlightened and opened to the clues around you.

See how considerably easy life will get. Lets Remember we didn't create the game of life. We are just mere players!!

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