Monday, 24 February 2014

MAN AND SIN – Who is meant to be master

We live in a world of utter chaos, though we have the sun for illumination, there is total darkness on the face of this earth, and just like the stars in sky at night, there are just a few people shining through this dark world. We live in a world where insanity is the order of the day, a world where people’s only desire is to please their selfish needs, totally oblivious to the harmful effect it has on the next person. We live in the world where children are sold as sex slaves just to enrich a person’s pocket, a world where the don’ts are the dos and the dos are the don’ts. In short we live in a world ruled by SIN.
There is one simple question I ask myself - is that how our Father intended it to be? The book of truth, the Holy Bible declares the intention of God for man on this earth in the book of Genesis as being the King of this world. God wanted man to have dominion of everything on this earth. Simply God wanted us to be royalty and one distinct feature of a royal is the access to slaves and servants. God wanted us to control all things and let everything be subjected to us including Sin. We were supposed to have control over sin, sin was supposed to be slave to us. In Gen. 4:7 the Bible says “…………… then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” This was a warning God gave to one the earliest men Cain. It is quite amazing to see the words of Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes 7:10 be very true in these days. It reads “I have even seen servants riding horseback like princes – and princes walking like servants.” I don’t think a day will come when the Queen of England will allow a servant power to rule over her, never!! That will be total insanity. So the why are we allowing our slave to rule us then. Our kingship is not of this earth, if earthly kings and queens know the power they hold, why then have we so easily relinquished ours to sin. We are living in the day and age where the slave has become master to the King. You see the moment Adam sinned he gave his authority to sin.
We live in a day where people created in the image of God defile the name of their creator. A world, where a man who was created in the image of God, chooses to bow down to things created from the imagination of God. The books of Romans chapter 1 verse 23 describe this authority given to slave called sin this way “and instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.” (NLT)
God’s plan is for us to rule over sin. Let’s be more aware of out power and strength we have in He who has created us and stop the cliché of saying we are weak and so it is okay that we sin. Let me conclude with words of Paul in Romans 6 vs 6 – 7, telling us how have overcome sin “We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. 7 For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin.” (NLT)
The only way for each of us to win back our authority as the maters over sin and declare permanent slavery to sin is to accept Jesus as our Lord and personal saviour. Only then can we also become the maters we are meant to be.

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